A cackling ‘Welcome to the Wascal Castle’ opens ‘Big Sh*t, Battleship’, the first track on The Wascals’ Greatest Hits, inviting listeners into the warped adolescent world of The Wascals.
Layered over producer J-Sw!ft’s rolling, jazz-drenched beats, the cheeky quartet are known for throwing out their signature, audacious rhymes. Frequently dubbed as ‘the baby Pharcyde’, the group consists of members Bucwheed, Spit-Anky, Alfalfa, and St. Imey. Allusions to The Little Rascals of the ‘Our Gang’ films are in tune with the group’s youthful energy and raps full of school-boy boasts and fantasies. Epitomised by 1994’s video for ‘Class Clown’, wherein The Wascals play the ultimate high-school jokers, tearing up corridors and class-rooms in old-school black and white film.
The groups first LP, Greatest Hits, was released in 2007 and includes their first single from ‘94, the twisted and bass-heavy ‘The Dips’, as well as gems ‘Hard Rhymes’ and the tripped out ‘Dream & Imaginate’, which features Fatlip (formerly of The Pharcyde).